Increase in fuel costs - Air Transat introduces a surcharge on Canadian flights

In response to the continuing rise in the cost of fuel, Air Transat is introducing a surcharge of $15 per flight segment. The additional cost will apply on domestic flights only and will come into effect on airline tickets purchased as of June 13.'Again this year, spiralling fuel costs are continuing to hit the air transportation industry hard. To counter additional losses connected to this increase, we, like other carriers, must adjust the prices of our domestic flights,' stresses President and Chief Executive Officer, Denis Jacob.Air Transat specializes in charter flights from several Canadian and European cities to vacation destinations, mainly in the south during the winter months and in Europe and Canada during the summer. Year-round, Air Transat links Canada's principal cities. Air Transat's fleet of 23 aircraft serves 90 destinations in 25 countries. In 2000, Air Transat carried 3.3 million passengers. The company employs 2,500.