Transat A.T. Inc.: Measures taken concerning swine flu. Advice for travellers
Montreal, April 27, 2009

Transat A.T. Inc., one of the largest integrated tourism companies in the world is maintaining its operations to Mexico and is taking measures with regard to the appearance of cases of human infection with swine flu and the situation in Mexico.

Passengers scheduled to fly to Mexico from Canada between now and May 11 and who wish to change their travel plans may do so, with no additional service charges, in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. Travel on a later date: passengers who wish to travel on a later date can do so. The trip must be completed on or before October 31, 2009. If the price of the new package is higher than that of the trip originally planned, the passenger must cover the difference in price.
  2. Travel to another destination: passengers who wish to travel to a different destination can do so by selecting another destination offered by Air Transat, Nolitours or Transat Holidays. The trip must be completed on or before October 31, 2009. If the price of the new package is higher than that of the trip originally planned, the passenger must cover the difference in price.

In addition, travellers are advised to take the following precautions:

  • Get vaccinated against seasonal flu before departure. This vaccine probably will not prevent a person from contracting swine flu if exposed to the virus, but it may protect against simultaneous swine flu and seasonal flu infection, a situation that could increase the potential for mutation of the swine flu virus.
  • Adhere to hygiene practices; that is, covering the mouth with the hand when coughing, washing the hands often with soap and warm water, and restricting direct physical contact.
  • See a doctor if symptoms appear, even two weeks after returning from travel. Symptoms to watch out for are fatigue, fever, aching muscles and pain in the eyes, and headaches.
  • Periodically consult governmental public health websites for the latest recommendations issued by authorities.

The public can obtain information released by the governments by calling 1 800 454 8302 in Canada.

Transat is following the situation closely and could take additional measures depending on decisions that will be made by the public health authorities and governments concerned.

About Transat
Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, destination services, accommodation and distribution. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)