Marlin Travel: New fall campaign promises perfect vacations
Montreal, September 2, 2009

Driven with the desire to always offer the perfect vacation to its clients, Marlin Travel is proud to launch its brand new fall campaign, unfolding until November 30, 2009. Under the theme « What is your perfect vacation? », the campaign highlights the expertise of the advisors within the Marlin Travel network to meet the needs of the clients. This multimedia campaign includes a number of channels, uses various marketing approaches and offers attractive Air Miles rewards.

Visit the microsite created for the campaign at It includes a questionnaire allowing clients to receive “perfect vacation” propositions from their participating partners, according to their profile.

“We continuously strive to offer our clients the best possible vacation for them”, says Peter Ouellette, Vice-President, Marketing, Transat Distribution Canada. Once again, we wished to reward the loyalty of our clients by offering them, for example, up to five times more Air Miles reward miles than the base offer. To take advantage of this offer, clients must book their vacations with one of the network’s preferred suppliers prior to September 30, 2009. This “Early Bird” offer, sent by mail and email, is targeting existing clients having a specific traveler profile.

The ad campaign, to be launched in September, will appear throughout Canada in newspapers, on the radio and in magazines.

Each Marlin Travel agency also received four complete sets of luggage for local promotions purposes. In addition, throughout the campaign, clients using the services of Marlin Travel will have the opportunity to receive a special offer: 100 photo prints and a customizable photo eco-bag designed to show off a few pictures of the owner’s choice.

Marlin Travel benefits from a wide network of preferred partners in Canada including Transat Holidays, Sunquest Vacations and Signature Vacations, which are part of this campaign.

About Marlin Travel

Marlin Travel is one of the largest travel agency networks in Canada and a member of Transat A.T. inc., an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries.