Transat successfully launches responsible-transportation program for its employees
300 Transat employees sign on to the allégo program
Montreal, June 3, 2010

Transat A.T. Inc. has successfully launched its allégo responsible- transportation program, aimed at promoting means of transport other than single-occupant driving. During allégo’s launch phase, around 300 of Transat’s 1,000 downtown Montreal head office employees enrolled in the program, which offers a range of measures to encourage travel by public transit, carpooling, cycling or walking.

“We have created incentives and launched a promotional campaign to encourage our personnel to adopt or maintain good habits when it comes to their daily commute, and the response has been very positive,” said Nelson Gentiletti, Chief Operating Officer, Transat. “We are pleased to see such a large number of our employees taking part in our allégo program right from the first year. This initiative is in keeping with an overall approach to responsible and sustainable management espoused by the company.”

Some 250 employees have enrolled in the Accès annuel aux transports collectifs (Annual Access to Public Transit) program, which encourages use of public transit by offering a free monthly transit pass to users who purchase 12 consecutive passes. Transat has enhanced the program by offering a second free month to its employees. In addition, thanks to the co-operation of Redbourne, manager of the Transat head office building, employees who bike to and from work now enjoy additional parking space, better lighting and improved signage in the building’s underground garage. Nearly 40 employees have purchased indoor bicycle parking stickers. Lastly, 22 employees have registered for the Agence métropolitaine de transport’s (AMT) online carpooling tool, which helps them find ride-share partners for their work commutes. Transat was one of the first companies to adopt the new Covoiturage AMT website, which went live this spring.

Before the launch of allégo program, 62% of Transat’s downtown employees took public transit to go to work, 9% were carpoolers, and 5% cycled or walked. “The survey we conducted showed that Transat already had a good track record in responsible transportation. The allégo program will allow Transat to keep up its excellent work and offer its employees a healthy, stimulating work environment,” noted Bernadette Brun, General Manager, Voyagez Futé.

In implementing its program, Transat benefited from the expert advice of Voyagez Futé. Companies that want to start up their own allégo program have access to financial support from the Quebec Transport Ministry under the government assistance program for means of transportation other than the automobile.

Air carrier Air Transat, meanwhile, adopted an allégo responsible transportation promotion in 2005.

About Transat

Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, destination services, accommodation and distribution. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)

About Voyagez Futé

Voyagez Futé is a transportation management centre for the central neighbourhoods of Montreal and the South Shore, offering expert consulting and sustainable-transportation solutions adapted to the needs of businesses, managers and real estate promoters, with an eye to reducing automobile use and enhancing workers’ quality of life.