Transat introduces responsible-transportation program for Toronto employees
Toronto, February 1, 2011

Transat has officially launched Green Commute, its responsible-transportation program, which urges employees to adopt means of transport other than single-occupant driving for their daily commute. Starting today, Toronto Transat employees can sign on for the program, which offers a range of incentives to encourage travel by public transit, carpooling, cycling or walking.

“We are pleased that our Toronto employees are eager to reduce their environmental footprint and that they can now do so by participating in this program, which is in keeping with an overall approach to responsible and sustainable management initiated by the company a few years ago,” said Nelson Gentiletti, Chief Operating Officer, Transat.

Green Commute is aimed at the 325 employees of Transat Tours Canada, Transat Distribution Canada and Jonview Canada who, since last fall, are now all in the same building in Etobicoke. The principal incentive offered under the program is a discount on transit passes, as an encouragement to use subway, bus or streetcar service. Efforts will also be made to urge employees to enrol in a carpooling program and to promote active transportation (walking and biking).

Before the launch of the program, 45% of employees relied on a means of transportation other than single-occupant driving: 36% already took public transit to go to work, 4% were carpoolers, and 5% cycled or walked. By implementing Green Commute, Transat seeks to prompt a considerable increase in the number of employees who prefer public transit. The company joins some 50 other Toronto-based companies that have committed to promoting responsible commuting by employees.

To develop the program, the 191 West Mall’s Environment Committee created a sub-committee who worked with Smart Commute, an Ontario organization with the mission of promoting public transit.

Approximately 300 Transat employees in Montreal have been taking part in a similar program, Allégo, since last year. Meanwhile, Air Transat adopted its own responsible-transportation program in 2005 which includes some 50 employees.

About Transat

Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, accommodation, destination services and distribution. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)