Transat Discoveries 2012 Trade Launches in Ontario: Giving the Brand a Kick-Start!
Montreal, October 24, 2011

The Transat Discoveries sales team completed a three-city road show in Ontario this past month, introducing the brand and training travel agents on the new products available in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe.

Over 200 travel agents attended the Burlington, Markham and Oshawa launches. During the two-hour training sessions, Dan Prior, Ontario Sales Director, and Sherry Brown, Sales Manager for Toronto & the Greater Golden Horseshoe, presented the main features of Transat Discoveries’ products, brochure and incentives. 

During the road shows, a FAM trip to Vietnam worth $1,500 was drawn among all participating travel agents. Tammy Kemp from Travel Only was the lucky winner.

“The Transat Discoveries team would like to thank all agents who attended. We hope that the training sessions will help agents deliver strong sales throughout the year,” stated Prior.

About Transat Discoveries

Transat Discoveries is a specialized tour operator that provides a perfect blend of leisure and culture. Since 1986, Transat Discoveries has been organizing specialized holiday packages to over 30 destinations. Transat Discoveries fulfils holiday dreams in Mediterranean, European, South American, African and Asian destinations every year. Website:
Reservations: 1 855-300-3866