Transat’s 2012-2013 South Training Academies: An Outstanding Success!
Montreal, October 3, 2012

From August 14 to September 19, 2012, a record number of 5,152 travel professionals attended seminars in 53 cities across Canada and in Buffalo, for the 2012-2013 South edition of Transat’s Training Academies.

The program’s rising success illustrates the high level of interest in Transat products. These seminars present a great opportunity to see what's occurring in the market through the eyes of travel agents, as well as ensure their expectations for the upcoming season are adequately met.

”We are very grateful to the agents that attend our training seminars. This event is ideal for discussing Transat’s strengths and key selling points with a captive audience, and the information exchange brings added value for those who attend,” commented Denise Heffron, Vice-President, National Sales & Commercial, Transat Canada.

This year, the sales teams decided to incorporate fundraising in the grand prize draws. An SOS Children’s Villages information booth was set up at each venue, and all agents were given “Small Change, Big Hearts” envelopes, which are normally distributed on board. Agents who wished to support the cause had the opportunity to donate, and were entered in the draw to win a trip for two. The winners per region are as follows:

  • Quebec: Raymonde Thibault from Vasco des Moulins won a trip to the Henry Morgan Hotel & Beach Resort in Roatan
  • Ontario and Atlantic Canada: Gail Perry from Marlin Travel Oshawa Centre won a trip to the Grenadian by Rex Resorts in Grenada
  • Western Canada: Cynthia Hall from Travel Professionals International won a trip to the Grand Sirenis Mayan Beach Le Mirage in Cancun

Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we have raised $7,853 for the well-being of children in several countries served by Transat. 

About Transat Holidays

Year-round, Transat Holidays provides its customers across Canada with a full range of holiday products. It offers sun vacations, with a choice of more than 220 hotels, mainly in the Caribbean, Mexico and Florida, along with an impressive array of flights, packages and tours to some 30 European destinations. Transat Holidays also offers more than 100 cruises all around the world.

About Nolitours

Nolitours offers its customers across Canada a wide variety of competitively priced holiday packages available year-round, for sun destinations in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central and South America.