Transat Distribution Canada launches new banner in Quebec
A selection of Club Voyages agencies to become Voyages Transat in 2013
Montreal, April 10, 2013

Transat Distribution Canada (TDC), the country’s largest travel agency network with some 600 outlets across the nation, is launching a new banner in Quebec: Voyages Transat.

“We want to wish a warm welcome to all travellers under the Transat brand, which is synonymous with a travel experience that is extraordinary, enjoyable and secure, this in step with the global brand strategy of Transat,” explains TDC President Yves Lalumière.
Plans are for five agencies that now operate under the Club Voyages banner to become Voyages Transat agencies in the course of 2013. The first agency to adopt the new name will be the Pointe-Claire Club Voyages, in June. The agencies will all be modernized and redesigned at the time of the change, transforming them in a source of inspiration for travellers.

“This is not just a change of banner, but really a gesture to reinforce the message that our 3,000 travel consultants in Canada are experienced leisure travel specialists. Although a lot of shopping is done on the Internet, a very important number of travellers still seek the help of a human being, and the so-called brick-and-mortar agencies clearly respond to a market need,” Mr. Lalumière adds.

The products and services offered by the agencies will remain identical and as varied as ever: tours, cruises, FIT travel or packages, air tickets or accommodations for any destination in the world. In addition, as was the case under the Club Voyages brand, the Voyages Transat agencies will continue to participate in the AIR MILES program and in all of TDC’s marketing operations.

About Transat Distribution Canada

Transat Distribution Canada is Canada's leading retail distributor of holiday travel, with approximately 600 outlets. The network, which is associated with Transat A.T. Inc., includes the Club Voyages, Voyages en Liberté, TravelPlus and Marlin Travel banners, as well as other affiliate members. Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries, distributing products in over 50 countries.