Transat ranks among the best corporate citizens in Canada

First tour operator to make Corporate Knights magazine's annual list

MONTREAL, June 5, 2014 /CNW Telbec/ - Transat A.T. Inc. is pleased and proud to be included among the 20 best corporate citizens in Canada, as ranked by Corporate Knights. The magazine, which promotes best practices in corporate responsibility, has just published its annual list of 50 companies with outstanding records in this area. Transat is the first Canadian tour operator to be included in the select club.

"Our commitment and our many actions taken toward developing more sustainable tourism testify to our ambition to become a model for corporate responsibility in the travel industry," said Jean-Marc Eustache, President and Chief Executive Officer of Transat. "This latest recognition reflects the hard work being done by Transat employees, as well as our partners, to achieve that goal. Through initiatives, policies and programs that we've implemented throughout the world, we are proud to contribute to tourism development that shows respect for nature and communities, while combining positive socio-economic benefits for local populations with an enriching experience for travellers."

In 2008 Transat adopted a policy on sustainable tourism that frames its actions in terms of respect for laws and regulations, human rights, environmental and heritage protection, cultural diversity, host communities, quality service delivery, and transparency. Since 2011 the company has taken continual stock of its corporate responsibility actions on its website, including those concerning international criteria that are increasingly being recognized as tourism industry benchmarks.

The Corporate Knights report, which has been published for 13 years in a row, is based on 12 key indicators that encompass companies' social, environmental and governance performance. Transat is in 18th position in the 2014 ranking.

About Transat
Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, accommodation, destination services and distribution. Transat's firm commitment to sustainable tourism development is reflected in its multiple corporate responsibility initiatives. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A)


SOURCE Transat A.T. Inc.

For further information: Source: Transat A.T. Inc.,, Media contact: Debbie Cabana, Communications and Media Relations Advisor, 514 987-1616, ext. 4662,