Generosity and community involvement: a Transat employee blitz!
Some 300 staffers give their time to charitable organizations in Montreal and Toronto

Montreal, January 20, 2015 — For some 300 Transat employees, community involvement was front and centre recently as they devoted a day of work to three charitable organizations in Montreal and Toronto as part of the volunteering program the company introduced in 2011.

Fondation du Dr Julien

This past fall, Annick Guérard, General Manager of Transat Tours Canada (TTC), started the ball rolling by sponsoring an activity to support the Fondation du Dr Julien. The goal was to lend a hand to one of the Foundation’s 16 affiliated centres across Quebec, which benefit more than 2,000 children and their families every year. The team of 30 employees from TTC, Transat Distribution Canada (TDC), Jonview Canada, Air Transat and Transat repainted the centre, cleaned toys, prepared snacks for the children, and more. “We felt that what we did had a real impact for the Foundation’s employees and volunteers, as well as for the children,” says Ms. Guérard. “It makes us feel good to know that we can make a difference in people’s day-to-day lives through simple gestures.”

Moisson Montréal

In December, some 100 Transat employees answered a call to action from Michel Bellefeuille, Transat’s Vice-President and Chief Information Officer, to help Moisson Montréal. Canada’s busiest food bank has a desperate and ongoing need for volunteers to help its clientele of 140,706 individuals and 230 community organizations. Transat team members sorted and packed dried and frozen food in preparation for the organization to distribute 6,300 meals, 12,000 bags of frozen vegetables and 300 loaves of bread.

Daily Bread and Pause Famille

Meanwhile, Jonview Canada’s teams in Toronto and Montreal, led by the business unit’s Vice-President and General Manager, Andrew Lind, decided to volunteer this year on behalf of Daily Bread, a Toronto-area food bank, and Pause famille, a family-support centre in Montreal. During two days of work, the Jonview teams sorted food and prepared food baskets, cleaned premises, prepared snacks and more. For the past seven years, the incoming tour operator has made a point of giving back to the community, urging employees to take concrete actions in support of fellow citizens, for a different organization each year.

Air Transat, for its part, has diligently supported a host of organizations over the last 10 years or so, many of which are dedicated to the youngest members of society—like the Children’s Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.

The initiative will continue in 2015, with more volunteer days planned in support of non-profits such as Sun Youth, Les Petits frères and the Welcome Hall Mission, sponsored respectively by Jean-François Lemay, General Manager of Air Transat, Denis Petrin, Vice-President, Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer, Transat, and Joseph Adamo, General Manager, Transat Distribution Canada.

About Transat

Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, accommodation, destination services and distribution. Transat's firm commitment to sustainable tourism development is reflected in its multiple corporate responsibility initiatives. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A).