Transat Distribution first-ever LGBTQ destination wedding fam a huge success!

Last week, Transat Distribution Canada (TDC) held its ground-breaking LGBTQ Destination Wedding fam in Puerto Vallarta with 35 TDC agents from across Canada attending.

This fam was an industry first -- and exclusively offered by Transat Distribution Canada to their network of Travel Professionals.  TDC continues as an industry leader in offering educational forums for its Travel Professionals that respond to the latest consumer trends.

The Destination Wedding fam included comprehensive training on LGBTQ destination weddings and the special requirements of the LGBTQ wedding market including site inspections, mock LGBTQ destination weddings and in-class training.

The program was developed in response to the growing demand for LGBTQ destination weddings following valuable consultation with LGBTQ wedding expert Bernadette Smith, CEO, the Equality Institute.

"Our 2018 wedding survey of engaged and married LGBTQ couples tells us that nearly 50% of these couples fear discrimination when wedding planning. TDC agents now have the tools and expertise to guide these couples towards a safe and joyful experience as they plan their weddings and honeymoons. This creates a win for everyone." said Bernadette Smith, Equality Institute.

The week included mock weddings which were a highlight as the participants were able to experience LGBTQ destination weddings firsthand, giving them a glimpse into current trends and offerings to better support their couples.

“Attending this LGBTQ-focused Wedding FAM was an incredible experience and one that made me profoundly proud to be part of the TDC network. For some LGBTQ couples, choosing a destination wedding comes with a lot of anxiety. It is important as Travel Professionals to be well trained to ensure all of our couples feel included and valued. It is truly touching to see Transat develop this initiative demonstrating their support of the LGBTQ community.” – Justin M. Clarey, Marlin Travel Port Hope

TDC is recognized as offering the best educational programs in the industry with its own in-house training team that develop custom programs for TDC travel professionals. 

About Transat Distribution Canada

Transat Distribution Canada (TDC) is a full-service travel agency network with more than 450 locations, comprising brick-and-mortar travel agencies, websites, a call centre, and home-based professional travel agents. The network includes the Transat Travel, Marlin Travel, Club Voyages, TravelPlus and Voyages en Liberté brands, as well as other affiliate members. TDC is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., a leading integrated international tourism company specializing in holiday travel and offering vacation packages, hotel stays and air travel. Transat was awarded Travelife certification in 2018 in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development.


For further information: Medias : Susan Bowman, VP, Marketing & Industry Relations, Transat Distribution Canada -