Transat Distribution Canada launches TDC Campus, the industry’s most comprehensive training program

Montreal, November 5, 2020 – Today, Transat Distribution Canada (TDC), the largest full-service travel agency network in the country, announced the launch of TDC Campus, the most complete training program best adapted to the travel world. As of today, all TDC network members, whether they are franchisees or part of our agent@home program, will have access to more than 20 hours of bilingual content for a free 6-month trial period.

“At TDC, we’re always on the lookout for the most effective solutions that reflect the reality of our members, to be proactive and support them in achieving their business objectives as best we can,” explained Louise Fecteau, General Manager of Transat Distribution Canada. "We know that people will start travelling again in greater numbers, but it is difficult to know at this point when the recovery will take place. That's why we believe there is no better time to equip our members with this online training platform, divided into four faculties and adapted to the needs of senior consultants as well as those new to the industry. TDC Campus makes things easy for travel professionals who need to know a tremendous amount of information in detail, thanks to its fun and effective content. It is available online at all times, in a responsive display, which adapts to the size of the screen used," she concludes.

An innovative approach to training

“In one single platform, TDC Campus consolidates everything that, in my opinion, makes training programs effective,” added Julie Bilodeau, Director of Organizational Development and Training at Transat. “When we develop a training at Transat, we put ourselves in the learners’ shoes and want to make sure they’re engaged. We want them to put their knowledge and expertise to use and feel stimulated, so that they remain interested. And with the expansion of TDC Campus, the training approaches – simulations, videos, interactive guides, quizzes, etc. – have something for every learner,” she continued.

“In fact, every travel professional or future travel professional who accesses TDC Campus will notice that the different modules are, more often than not, presented in a storytelling style, with a tone that’s playful and never too formal, and a micro-learning approach focused on one subject at a time, to ensure the user retains the information,” concluded Julie Bilodeau.

TDC Campus, in a nutshell

  • Free access to over 20 hours of bilingual content for a 6-month free trial period starting November 1, 2020.
  • More than 50 hours of content in English and French available as of May 1st 2021.
  • A training program available exclusively to member of the TDC network.
  • Four faculties: introduction to the world of travel, main, customer experience and continuous development.
  • Content specifically adapted to the needs of candidates who are inexperienced in the travel industry.
  • Continuous development section for experienced travel professionals.
  • A program that is constantly updated and, therefore, never obsolete.
  • Registration fee among the most competitive in the industry for a training program, after the 6-month free period.

About Transat Distribution Canada

Transat Distribution Canada (TDC) is a full-service travel agency network with some 375 locations, comprising brick-and-mortar travel agencies, websites, a call centre, and independent contractors representing members of the agent@home program. The network includes the Transat Travel, Marlin Travel, Club Voyages, TravelPlus and Voyages en Liberté brands, as well as other affiliate members. TDC is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., a leading integrated international tourism company specializing in holiday travel and offering vacation packages, hotel stays and air travel. Transat was awarded Travelife certification in 2018 in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development. Based in Montreal, it has 5,000 employees.

For further information: Marie-Annick Lalande, Senior Communications Advisor, Transat Distribution Canada, 514-987-1760, ext. 4076,