The art of Cuba at the Salon des métiers d’art de Montréal
Mano a Mano, Transat and the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec showcase Cuban artists

Montreal, December 10, 2015 — From December 10 to 20, three talented Cuban artists will be taking part in the 60th Salon des métiers d’art de Montréal, the result of an initiative by Mano a Mano, an exchange and assistance program involving Quebec and Cuban artists. The project also receives support from the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec, which assumes the rental cost for the stand, and by Transat, which provides transportation for the artists and their works.

Natives of Matanzas province, which boasts an abundance of artisans, sculptor Osmany Betancourt Falcón (“Lolo”), ceramist, sculptor and painter Dariel Lozano Pérez and ceramist Antonio Enrique Pérez Marrero will present some 300 original works and give a variety of demonstrations of their skills. All three artists work at the Galeria Taller Lolo de Matanzas, a famous Cuban studio known abroad.

The exhibition and sale of Cuban art will be presented at Stand 58 at Place Bonaventure. It will be coupled with a booth that will provide information about the Mano a Mano project, which has been forging ties with Cuban artists over the past three years. The organization is inviting visitors and local artisans to take part in a drive for tools and money to benefit Cuban artisans. Visitors will also have an opportunity to win a cultural trip for two to Cuba, courtesy of Transat.

“Beyond the sharing of materials, this cultural initiative has created strong bonds of friendship between our two artistic communities,” said Pierre Hivon, Mano a Mano’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We’re very proud to welcome our friends, who will be able to share their passion and talent with the public and our own artisans.”

Michel Lemay, Vice-President, Communications and Corporate Affairs, and Chief Brand Officer at Transat, said: “We were delighted by the originality of this project. It encourages closer ties between our host communities and highlights the arts and culture of Cuba, one of Transat’s flagship destinations.” He added: “We’re also pleased to be able to contribute to the development of professional artists in Matanzas by providing the access to essential materials. Since we began working with Mano a Mano in 2013, we have transported more than a tonne of supplies and tools to Cuba, from a simple paintbrush to saw-blades and welding equipment.”

The 60th edition of the Salon des métiers d’art de Montréal, which features 420 professional exhibitors from across Quebec, other parts of Canada and France, takes place from December 10 to 20 at Place Bonaventure.


About Mano a Mano

Mano a Mano is a non-profit organization created out of a strong desire among Quebec artisans and artists to support the remarkable talent of their Cuban counterparts. One of the organization’s primary missions is to provide new and used tools and supplies to Cuban artisans, so they can work in the best possible conditions. It is a helping hand from one culture to another, both sharing a passion for art and creative endeavour.

About Transat

Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, destination services, accommodation and distribution.

About the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec

Founded in 1989, the Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec (CMAQ) represents and defends the interests of professional artists and artisans in fine crafts so they can make a decent living from their passion. To date, the association has nearly 1,000 members across the province.


For further information: Mano a Mano - Florence Navia, Director, Communications - 514 518-8478 - / Transat A.T. Inc. - Odette Trottier, Director, Communications and Corporate Affairs - 514 987-1660, # 4430 - / Conseil des métiers d’art du Québec - Éliane Tessier, Director, Communications - 514 861-2787, # 324 -