The travellers’ interests, top of mind for every travel professional
New advertising campaign for Transat Distribution Canada

Montreal, November 23, 2020 – Transat Distribution Canada (TDC), the country's largest network of full-service travel agencies, including Transat Travel and Marlin Travel, is proud to show Canadian travellers how their vacations can be enhanced by a travel professional. The network's brand new advertising campaign depicts different situations experienced by travellers and, above all, shows how the personalized contribution of a travel professional often makes all the difference.

" ‛Get the vacation you really want’ is the promise that travel professionals make to their clients when they book their vacation with them. Why is that? Because the traveller's interests are at the heart of every travel professional's decision. The TDC network believes there is no better time to highlight the remarkable work of these women and men who are always ready to support their customers, no matter the situation,," explains Louise Fecteau, General Manager of Transat Distribution Canada.

"Travel professionals have always been the ones developing and designing vacations based on the needs and above all, the specific desires of the client sitting in front of them. Given that the definition of a beautiful beach or eating well is not the same for everyone, the human intervention of the advisor makes all the difference. They combine the client's desires with their in-depth knowledge of destinations, airlines, hotels, etc., while often adding the little extra that makes all the difference. This is the essential idea conveyed through this campaign. Given the current state and transformation of the travel industry, it is not surprising to learn that 33% of travellers[1] say they are more likely than before to book their next vacation through a travel professional," she says.

Along the same premise, "travellers feel more than ever the need for guidance, as the world of travel has changed and is still changing. No other professional is in a better position than the travel professional to inform the traveller of the latest guidelines issued by regulatory and health authorities in the various destinations, in addition to continuing to offer them the best possible experience during their trip, as they have always done in the past," says Wendy Paradis, President of the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA). 

Travel is here to stay

On a positive note, Louise Fecteau adds that "one thing is clear: the travel industry is here to stay, even if it is hit particularly hard by the current times". She concludes, "in the coming months, at the dawn of a transformed travel industry, travel professionals will more than ever be the indispensable reference for travellers. They are in the best position to guide them through the different variances  of this new reality, giving them all the information they need to help them make the best decisions according to their needs. That's why I'm so pleased to highlight their exceptional work and to tell travellers that TDC's travel professionals are ready to welcome and do what they love most: build them the vacation they really want”. 

About Transat Distribution Canada

Transat Distribution Canada (TDC) is a full-service travel agency network with some 325 locations, comprising brick-and-mortar travel agencies, websites, a call centre, and independent contractors representing members of the agent@home program. The network includes the Transat Travel, Marlin Travel, Club Voyages, TravelPlus and Voyages en Liberté brands, as well as other affiliate members. TDC is a business unit of Transat A.T. Inc., a leading integrated international tourism company specializing in holiday travel and offering vacation packages, hotel stays and air travel. Transat was awarded Travelife certification in 2018 in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development. Based in Montreal, it has 5,000 employees.

For further information: Source: Marie-Annick Lalande, Senior Communications Advisor - Transat Distribution Canada - 514-987-1760, ext. 4076 -