Transat takes its partner travel agents on a journey of discovery to Haiti

Montreal, May 13, 2016 — From April 20 to 27, Transat had the pleasure of taking 20 travel agents to Haiti to explore this sun destination that is booming in popularity.

Accompanied by Annick Guérard, President and General Manager of Transat Tours Canada, Louise Fecteau, Commercial Director – Quebec, and Cynthia Cantin, business development representative, Transat’s partners experienced the hospitality of the Haitian people, tasted exceptional cuisine and discovered breathtaking landscapes, particularly during the many excursions planned during the trip. The delegation was welcomed by the new tourism minister, Mr. Guy Didier Hyppolite, and stayed two nights in Port-au-Prince and five nights at the Royal Decameron Indigo Beach Resort & Spa, a resort located on the Côte des Arcadins offered exclusively by Transat.

"Since January 2013, Transat has been actively participating in the revival of Haiti’s tourism sector," says Guérard. "In partnership with the tourism minister and many local businesses, we are proud to offer an innovative and different product that reflects our determination to offer leisure holidays that focus on authenticity, culture and nature, all while contributing to the local economic development."

During peak season in summer and winter, Transat offers two weekly flights from Montreal to Port-au-Prince. It also boasts a wide selection of hotels, including properties in Port-au-Prince and on the Côte des Arcadins that are 3, 3 ½ and 4 stars. Haiti is experiencing a boom in tourism. In fact, Air Transat added that second flight to its program in order to meet the growing demand and to offer greater flexibility to travellers who wished to discover this well-kept secret of the Caribbean.

To find out more about Haiti and Transat’s program, visit


For further information: Caroline Gagnon, Public Relations and Marketing Adviser, Transat Tours Canada - 514 987-1616, ext. 7020