Transat among Montreal’s top 30 employers
Tour operator makes strong showing for second consecutive year in Mediacorp Canada rankings of the best employers in Canada’s largest cities.

Montreal, February 16, 2016 —Transat is pleased to have once again made the list of Montreal’s Top Employers, as selected by Mediacorp Canada, organizers of the annual Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition since 2006. Winning companies are recognized for leading their industry segments in offering exceptional workplaces for employees.

There are multiple reasons why Transat was chosen as one of Montreal’s best employers, but some stand out from the rest, according to the organizers. “The key principles of our organization’s value statement — respect, rigour and responsibility — find concrete expression in various ways, and the people at Mediacorp remarked on that,” explains Christophe Hennebelle, Transat’s Vice-President, Human Resources and Talent Management. “Personal involvement by employees is something we value highly at Transat; for example, we offer them one day’s paid leave per year to do volunteer work for the cause of their choice. Those who want to make a greater commitment can sign up for our Leave for Change program, under which they can spend about three weeks on a humanitarian mission, putting their professional expertise to good use in a developing country.”

Transat offers employees other types of benefits as well, including financial incentives. The company has a share purchase plan with employer contributions, and pays year-end bonuses as well as referral bonuses for personnel who help to recruit new employees. Other key initiatives include continuing professional development and training: the company encourages employees to keep their knowledge and expertise up to date, making available a wide range of tools specific to their needs.

About Transat

Transat A.T. Inc. is an integrated international tour operator with more than 60 destination countries and that distributes products in over 50 countries. A holiday travel specialist, Transat operates mainly in Canada and Europe, as well as in the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. Montreal-based Transat is also active in air transportation, accommodation, destination services and distribution. Transat’s firm commitment to sustainable tourism development is reflected in its multiple corporate responsibility initiatives. (TSX: TRZ.B, TRZ.A).

For further information: Michel Lemay, Vice-President, Communications and Corporate Affairs - 514-987-1616, ext. 4523 -